The Biblical Basis For Quiet Time
God’s greatest delight is that you know Him. And knowing Him is what brings ultimate enjoyment and fulfillment in life (Ecc 2:25). Is knowing God your great desire? To know Him requires a time of solitude and rest to draw near to God in prayer and study of His Word, the Bible. Even Jesus had a quiet time. Luke tells us that Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed (Luke 5:16). My dear friend, my prayer is that you dedicate yourself to God in quiet time each and every day of your life!
Catherine Martin, Six Secrets To A Powerful Quiet Time
On this, the day of remembrance of my birth, while I was diligently working on messages for a Quiet Time Ministries' publication, I began staring (translation:::daydreaming) into my computer screens, trying to remember where I had misplaced an errant quote from an inspirational author. Transported I know not how, and to a place I know not where, I found myself impulsively reflecting about days long since past and very nearly forgotten. One small instant after another popped into my head until I became almost dizzy and lightheaded. And then it occurred to me, in the world's view, what an apparently insignificant speck of dust I am in God’s infinite universe. Here for a fleeting nanosecond, then poof – gone from time into eternity. Wait, what was I thinking? This led me in leaps and bounds to contemplate eternity. And, suddenly, the verse by Paul came to mind.
But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day.
2 Peter 3:8 NASB
One day is like a thousand years! This means that one eternasecond [italics mine] is infinitely greater than all the days that human beings have ever lived or will ever live put together. This led me to a “How Great Thou Art…” chorus, and via concordance to Psalm 90:4.
For a thousand years in Your sight are like yesterday when it passes by, or as a watch in the night.
Psalm 90:4 NASB
This led me to a word study of both day and year, and eventually to some commentaries about the historicist view of the book of Revelation, and to several other places in a most circuitous version of The P.R.A.Y.E.R.™ Quiet Time Plan that I shall not relate here. Well, I can tell you this was one of the best spontaneous spirit-led quiet times I had experienced in a month of Sunday schools.
The question.
But why? What makes a quiet time purr, tick, and hum? What made this quiet time – great – or significant to me? What makes any quiet time with the Lord – powerful?
The answer.
The divine intervention of the Holy Spirit and the Living Word of God! — Romans 8:26-27.
O taste and see that the Lord is good.
Psalm 34:8 NASB
Blessings ♡ Grace