Title Photo Courtesy of Bill Fortney, Nikon Professional Services, Photography & Faith, His Light Workshops
When I was six years old, I received my first camera – a Kodak Instamatic. Okay, I was only a kid. But the moment I began taking pictures, I was instantly hooked on photography for a lifetime. I took pictures of everything, but especially clouds and landscapes. In fact, I took so many pictures that we couldn't afford to get them all developed! Remember film? Then in high school, my father bought me a Minolta SRT-101 35mm camera … and, of course, lots of film. I was a pro! And later in college, I even learned how to develop my own black and white photos in a photography lab at Arizona State University. Nothing could stop me now!
Flash forward to more recent history. The present exciting journey that led to myPhotoWalk Devotional Photography began a number of years ago when my husband gave me a Nikon D7000 DSLR camera for my birthday. Nikon's ads said it had the Power to Astonish – the Features to Inspire. Astonish and inspire it did. Just holding it in my hands was an adventure. But, and I admit it, I was overwhelmed. As I began shooting photos in the California desert where I live, I suddenly realized I had a significant learning curve ahead of me if I was to actually capture what I was seeing through the lens.
Every day, arrows from heaven are sent flying, as God connects the dots and writes the story of our lives. Some of the greatest results of the calling from God are divine appointments with people and defining moments in our lives. It really comes down to what story does the Lord want to tell with you and your life? The things that happen, those Aha! moments, are unexplainable in the temporal realm. They are inexplicable without the light of God's Word and the voice of the Holy Spirit. Only God can paint the picture and write the message that is meant to come forth. He is the Master Designer.
Catherine Martin in The Calling — The Story of Who You Are and Why You Are Here
So my friend, Cindy, and I went on an outstanding outdoor photo workshop at The Living Desert Zoo and Botanical Garden in Palm Desert, California, with Kevin Brian Toohey of learnyourcamera.com. He taught us everything you can imagine about our cameras – mine was the Nikon D7000 and Cindy has a wonderful Canon. But it didn't matter to Kevin what camera it was, expert on photography that he is. He was able to show us all the settings, how to safely change lenses, and how to use our cameras to take great shots. I even learned how to format the memory card in the camera – at the time a daunting task. Kevin Brian Toohey was an inspiration, so much so that I decided it was time to launch out on this photography adventure in earnest.
I first met international award–winning nature photographer, Laurie Rubin, as my mentor on Trey Ratcliff's The Arcanum. But it was not until a photo shoot at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park, Escondido, California, that I really got to know this incredible person. The first thing I learned was to pay attention – Laurie, master, Catherine, apprentice. I also immediately learned the importance of using a monopod with my Nikon D800E, along with my 80-400mm lens. Then there was how to capture gestures of animals, how to time the image captures of ducks splashing in the water, the importance of paying attention to the all backgrounds for wildlife shots, and so much more. As Laurie says about herself, "Photography, nature, wildlife and finding happiness along the way … that's what I'm all about!" Laurie is truly an amazing photographer with a huge heart. I cherish our friendship.
Some time ago now, I was in Phoenix for my mother's celebration of life service, a very difficult time as you can imagine. Later, tearful back at the hotel, I looked over at my camera sitting forlornly on the bedside table. I thought, "You know what? I need to take my camera and travel to a beautiful place where I can look at God's great creation and worship Him through the lens." Of course, I immediately thought of Sedona, only 90 minutes north of Phoenix, one of my favorite places in all the world. And then, I suddenly remembered a wildlife preserve that was on the way — Out Of Africa Wildlife Park, Camp Verde, Arizona. I found a link on their website to Meet The Photographer with Kathleen Reeder. They were holding a photography workshop that very weekend! Well, the idea and the action were borne in the same moment. I called, there had been one cancellation, and I could be part of this workshop. I was elated! Little did I know that what I was about to learn from Kathleen Reeder would change my photography life forever. Indeed, through her workshop, Kathleen Reeder ignited a flame in me to become more technically accurate in my photography. I am forever in debt – thank you, Kathleen!
What can you say about Bill Fortney that has not already been said? I'm gonna tell you!
Bill Fortney, a photography legend and Nikon Professional Services Technical Representative for over 10 years, has worked at NASA Space Shuttle launches, Air Races, Air Shows, The Masters Golf Tournament, PGA Championships, NASCAR races, The Kentucky Derby, and the Breeder's Cup. He's worked with NFL teams, college sports programs, universities, colleges, major newspapers, and magazines, law enforcement, and many pros that use Nikon equipment. You name it, he's been there and done that.
But first and foremost, Bill Fortney is a man of great faith! He teaches photography for his brainchild, His Light Ministries, on His Light Workshops photography adventures, and has produced many excellent ebooks on photography. I've had the extreme privilege to go with Bill on the Grand Circle (Antelope Canyon AZ, Monument Valley UT, Zion and Bryce National Parks) and then spectacular Glacier National Park. Technically, I have learned so much from him – serious composition, the expert use of my tripod, and especially how to slow down and see beautiful images before you shoot. Once you know Bill Fortney, you have a friend who will always support and encourage you. He graciously consented to write the Foreword for my very first myPhotoWalk publication, Quiet Time Moments. One of the things that I love most about shooting out in the field with Bill is that his enthusiasm is truly contagious. Everyone on the shoot, whether avid amateur or skilled professional, receives a gigantic jolt of inspiration, confidence, and encouragement. His passion for photography is incomparable. And there is no mistaking the source of it all — he loves God and trusts in the Lord for everything. He has a strong faith in Christ and it shines in everything he does.
So for me, photography has become a ministry in itself. Taking photos slows me down to see more of God's wonder and majesty in creation. I tend to move at breakneck speed in life. Those of you who know me as author and speaker from Quiet Time Ministries probably guessed that I squeeze a lot into a day. I love going on photowalks, looking through the lens, and capturing the beauty I see. I probably love landscape photography the best, but I also enjoy taking photos of interesting people along the way. Living in the desert of California is a great benefit because we have amazing sunrises and sunsets. I always look up at the sky through the window as I'm spending my morning quiet time with the Lord. If I see incredible light with amazing bursts of color forming with the sunrise, I grab my camera, jump in my car, and drive to my special place where I can get the best views. My motto is never let a good sunrise go to waste!
Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter.
Ansel Adams
I heartily agree with Ansel Adams. Man plans, God directs (Proverbs 16:9). Ansel Adams, of course, was an American landscape photographer and environmentalist known for his black–and–white images of the American West, particularly Yosemite National Park. If you've ever viewed Ansel Adam's photography, you know he always tells a story. And as a writer, I also love to tell a story. Photography is another form of writing. "Photograph" is derived from the Greek. The Greek word "phos" means "light." The word "graph" also comes from a Greek word meaning "to draw." A photograph, therefore, is a drawing made with light. We often shorten the word "photograph" to "photo." The Latin word for "light" is "lux." It actually means to "write with light." So, a natural for me, my favorite part of photography is taking the photos, then combining them with my writing, and ministering to others with truth from God's Word.
myPhotoWalk is first and foremost about photography – for people of all faiths, no faith, or just searching – that they may rejoice in the goodness of God. Dear friend, if you find that you need to slow down, I encourage you to grab your camera, and go for a photowalk. Take photos of everything you see. You will find that you see more and more. And you will begin to notice the wonder and beauty of all God has created. And then you will worship Him in a new and deeper way.
I would not have you simply watch a travelogue about God. I challenge you to experience the great adventure of knowing God for yourself through the heartfelt myPhotoWalk Devotional Photography at Quiet Time Ministries!
Blessings ♡ Grace