Trusting Our Creator In Turbulent Times
…When you look all around at the wonder and beauty of nature in God's creation — the stars in the sky, the petals of a flower, the veins of a leaf, the wings of a bird — you can't help but be overwhelmed by the design and intricacy in all you see. When you see this beauty, what goes through your mind? A thought one can't help but consider is that a design must imply a designer. This kind of thinking speaks directly to the heart and can fuel one's faith …
View → Ministry & Photography ArticleTo God who created the heavens and the earth and who made me, fashioning my days before I was even born. "Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well." Genesis 1:1, Psalm 139:14,16 NKJV
Catherine Martin
"Since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what was made."
— Romans 1:20 NASB
Do you live in a topsy-turvy existence of chaos, confusion, and disorder, or are you surrendered to our Creator's divine will for your life? How can you live a life of reverential trust if your focus is on the author of failure instead of the creator of success? Trusting in Elohim the Creator answers the most far-reaching questions of life. Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose?
A Day in the Life of God takes you on a profound spiritual adventure from God's "let there be light," to God's masterpiece, man in the image of God Himself. Every devotional blesses with impactful Scripture, classic devotional quotes, spirit–lifting poetry, and beloved hymns. Each day of creation prompts deep thinking, decisive choices, and spiritual reflection.
Catherine Martin’s myPhotoWalk Devotional Photography, captured at many exquisite locations, brings alive the drama of the seven days of creation.
No matter what trial you face, the evidence of creation will give you the faith to trust God. If God can create the heavens and the earth, what can He do in your life? Anything is possible!
Catherine's chosen devotional images unveil the most incredible 7 days in all of history– the creation of light, heavens, earth, vegetation, oceans, sun, moon, stars, fish, birds, wildlife and ultimately, man, culminating in a holy day of rest. Images span photoshoots at Glacier National Park, Hawaii, Tuscany, Sedona, Klamath Falls, Hollywood, Laguna Beach, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Newport Beach, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, and the Mojave–Sonoran Deserts. Imagery by state–of–the–art post-processing software from high resolution full color photographic masters.
Quiet Time Ministries Press
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Philippians 4:17 NASB
Quiet Time Ministries Press
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myPhotoWalk Devotional Photography Book
Format: Following the insightful Preface: A Brief Interlude Called Time, this myPhotoWalk Devotional Photography book is organized into 7 thematic sections coinciding with the seven days of creation: Light, The Heavens, Earth Ocean Vegetation, Sun Moon Stars, Fish Birds, Animals Man, Rest. The book begins with an inspirational Prologue: When You Need To Trust God, and concludes with an intriguing Epilogue: The End Of The Beginning. Each section includes a devotional introduction, devotional chapters, and devotional images paired with quotes from devotional classics, hymns, and spiritual poetry in a magazine–style photographic layout. Every section concludes with Reflections photography, Scripture, prompts for further thought, and a simple prayer.
Appendices: myPhotoWalk SmugMug Portfolio, Photography Notes, About the Author, About Quiet Time Ministries, About myPhotoWalk, Acknowledgments, You Might Also Like Books by Catherine Martin.
Details: Softcover Glossy Paperback Premium Full Color, 8.5 x 8.5 x 0.5 inches, English language, ISBN13:978-1-7375747-9-8, 160 pages.
Publisher: Quiet Time Ministries Press
myPhotoWalk Devotional Photography Book
Format: Following the insightful Preface: A Brief Interlude Called Time, this myPhotoWalk Devotional Photography book is organized into 7 thematic sections coinciding with the seven days of creation: Light, The Heavens, Earth Ocean Vegetation, Sun Moon Stars, Fish Birds, Animals Man, Rest. The book begins with an inspirational Prologue: When You Need To Trust God, and concludes with an intriguing Epilogue: The End Of The Beginning. Each section includes a devotional introduction, devotional chapters, and devotional images paired with quotes from devotional classics, hymns, and spiritual poetry in a magazine–style photographic layout. Every section concludes with Reflections photography, Scripture, prompts for further thought, and a simple prayer.
Appendices: myPhotoWalk SmugMug Portfolio, Photography Notes, About the Author, About Quiet Time Ministries, About myPhotoWalk, Acknowledgments, You Might Also Like Books by Catherine Martin.
Details: Hardcover Matte Premium Full Color, 8.5 x 8.5 x 0.5 inches, English language, ISBN13:978-1-7375747-5-0, 160 pages.
Publisher: Quiet Time Ministries Press
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