Canada geese typically fly between 2,000 and 8,000 feet, but can fly as high as 29,000 feet. The exact altitude depends on the weather, distance, and time of year.
Catherine Martin Flying In Formation @ myPhotoWalk — SmugMug
Sometimes I receive an out-of-the-blue, completely unexpected blessing from the Lord. This was one of those times. For those of you who are great fans of Quiet Time Ministries, you will share in this blessing. And for those of you who share in monthly Donations with Quiet Time Ministries, you will be doubly blessed!
Hello Catherine! You have no idea what impact you've personally had on my life. You might enjoy giving [Boldly Engaging Not-Yet Christians.mp3] a listen. In Christ, Todd Pitner | Chief Marketing Officer, Media Synergy | I Love Atheists .com. P.S. Ultimately, your book Walking With The God Who Cares was the inspiration behind iloveatheists .com.
A worldly success, Todd Pitner lost everything he held dear over a period of eight long months – his marriage, his family, his multimillionaire business – everything. Then, waiting in the airport for a red-eye flight, he checked his email on his laptop, looked down, and there was this book that caught his attention.
"Sometimes God brings us to our knees so that we might look up. … Everything – everything – everything – for 42 years, that I felt that was my measure of a man – gone – gone. … My world had collapsed. … [My] despair became absolute. … There was this book that just caught my attention. And it was called Walking With The God Who Cares. And so I bought that book, and I went on [the airplane], and I was in first class, and I ordered my, you know, my vodka. … Just sittin' there, and luckily everyone started to go to sleep and the lights went off, and right there thirty-five thousand feet in the air, on page 24, I read, 'Do you know Jesus Christ? Do you have a personal relationship with Him? If not, will you make a decision even now to ask Him to come into your life?' … I have to tell you the words that I next read, resolutely they pierced my hardened heart and my hopeless exterior, at the point where I was at the bottom of my bottom bringing me to literal resigned tears. 'If you prayed that prayer for the first time, you can know that Jesus is living in you and that you have been born again to a living hope (1 Peter 1:3). … Are you in a time of darkness, a trial, perhaps even a dark night of the soul? You can know that His light is brighter than the deepest darkness. Oh, may He give you, as a result of your time with Him in His Word, hope for your hurting heart.'"
That was it! A time of decision for Todd Pitner through the grace of God. God is truly using Quiet Time Ministries in boundless measure.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
1 Peter 1:3 NASB
Blessings ♡ Grace