The Proof Of God's Amazing Love LIVE
Weekly Live Video Event Hosted by Catherine Martin @ Zoom Video CommunicationsZM
What is on the heart of God? How then shall you live? God's amazing love! How can it be that Thou, my God, should die for me? As you spend eight weeks exploring guided devotions inspired by the good news of Apostle Paul's Epistle to the Romans, you will explore the dilemma of God's divine love, discover the nature of divine justice, holiness, and righteousness, realize the power of the gospel for salvation to everyone who believes, embrace your freedom from sin set apart for God's good service, and embark on a personal spiritual revival touching all the days of your life. You'll find short, inspirational selections from great devotional writers, Scripture verses to look up and reflect on, thoughtful questions inviting your response, prayer starters, and more. Catherine Martin's myPhotoWalk Devotional Photography images enhance every daily quiet time. Travel this holy journey in Romans and you will discover a new and glorious place in your relationship with Christ. If God is for us, who can be against us?
Event Information
- Welcome Session One
- Final Session Nine
- Event Registration Fee
- $50
- • Book Sold Separately
- • Welcome Email Schedule Info
- Nine Two Hour Sessions
- • Interactive Discussion
- • Video Messages by Catherine Martin
- Bonus
- • Companion Multimedia Discounts
- • Weekly Discussion Recap
- • Weekly Zoom Recordings
- • Weekly Bible Study Prep
- Catherine Martin
Bible Study Leader

The Proof Of God's Amazing Love
A Quiet Time Experience Book
Softcover Book
Quiet Time Ministries Press