What is on the heart of God? How then shall you live? God's amazing love! As you spend eight weeks exploring guided devotions inspired by the good news of Apostle Paul's Epistle to the Romans, you will explore the dilemma of God's divine love, discover the nature of divine justice, holiness, and righteousness, realize the power of the gospel for salvation to everyone who believes, embrace your freedom from sin set apart for God's good service, and embark on a personal spiritual revival touching all the days of your life. Travel this holy journey in Romans and you will discover a new and glorious place in your relationship with Christ. If God is for us, who can be against us?
CompletedSpecial Ray Vander Laan Guest Study — Interactive Discussion by Catherine Martin. "Pack your bags. We're going on a journey. Journey back to the time of Jesus, learn how confronting evil can be loudly proclaiming the name of Jesus or quietly caring for someone in need. Video lessons include When Storms Come - Sea of Galilee, Piercing the Darkness - Kursi, Gates of Hell - Caesarea Philippi, City of the Great King Part 1 - The Temple, City of the Great King Part 2 - Jerusalem, The Lamb of God - Mount of Olives, The Weight of the World - Capernaum/Gethsemane, Roll Away the Stone - Garden Tomb, Power to the People - Southern Stairs, and Total Commitment - Caesarea."
SignUp NowDo you want to find your home in God now while waiting to reach your grand destination – heaven? In Pilgrimage of the Heart, author Catherine Martin takes you on an eight-week daily journey through the Psalms – the prayers, desires, hymns, insights, and observations of some of God’s choice servants. Because many of the psalms are prayers, we learn to pray, because the psalms are written records, we learn to journal, because the psalms are meditations on Scripture, we learn to meditate, because many psalms are a result of silence before God, we learn to be still and know that He is God. Spend time getting to know God on a pilgrimage in the psalms.
SignUp June 2025Prayer is a mystery that seems almost too good to be true – the sovereign, almighty Creator of the universe invites you into His warm embrace and into a partnership of bringing His will to pass in your life and on the earth. This 30-day journey leads you step-by-step to a fresh experience of participating in the adventure of prayer. You'll look at the lives of those who have walked intimately with God, including Hannah, Nehemiah, Daniel, Paul, and Jesus Himself. Whether you are new to the school of prayer or have been talking with God for years, you can personalize your own prayer growth plan that will lead to deeper intimacy with God and effectiveness in prayer.
SignUp September 2025