As Director of Women's Ministries, I was speaking at our church Women's Retreat being hosted at Calvary Chapel Conference Center in Murrieta (Hot Springs), California. There were a number of other churches also using the Calvary Chapel Conference Center for their Women's Retreats on this particular weekend. Well, just before I left for the weekend, I received an email from someone asking if some of their women could meet with me while I was there. She explained that they were using my book, A Heart That Dances, in their Bible study and watching the DVD messages each week. She said there would probably be 4 or 5 of them who would attend. Of course, I said, yes! We decided to meet in the coffee shop on the conference grounds on Saturday afternoon.
So I arrived at the coffee shop, grabbed some coffee, and chose a table where I thought 4 or 5 of us could sit. Before I knew it, there were more than 15 women – amazing, incredible, beautiful, Spirit-filled women – sitting around the table. We had a glorious time where the Lord Jesus just poured out His blessings on all of us. I will never be the same because of this one divine appointment. The Lord gave me a glimpse of what He is doing and encouraged me to keep being faithful in all He has called me to in life.
Many years ago I sat with a small group of Christian women leaders and one of them asked, "What is one thing you love about your relationship with the Lord?" I thought and thought about that question, and then I answered, "I love watching the Lord Jesus change lives. There is just nothing so exciting as seeing lives changed by Him."
A girl walked up to me in our women's Bible study at church years ago while we were all studying Passionate Prayer – A Quiet Time Experience. This woman had tears in her eyes and she grabbed my hands, and said, "Catherine, I am going through the most difficult time in my life, and I want to thank you for this study of Passionate Prayer — it's a lifeline for me to the Lord Himself." And I could see in her eyes the sincerity and the passion for the Lord that has grown in her heart these last few months. Another time, I remember when we had hundreds of women studying Six Secrets To A Powerful Quiet Time. One girl walked up and just hugged me, with tears in her eyes, she said, "No one ever taught me how to spend time with the Lord before now. Thank you, thank you for showing me how!"
Paul encourages us in these words from Timothy 2:2, the power of discipleship and investing in the lives of others with the teachings of Jesus!
You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others.
2 Timothy 2:2
I have been involved in women's ministries for many years, as a group discussion leader, as a study leader, as a director of women's ministries, and now as an Associate Pastor. And I can tell you that God is stirring in the hearts of women worldwide. Women are hungry to know the Lord, and are thirsty for His Word like never before. But many women have no idea how to spend quiet time alone with the Lord.
The common question is "Where do I begin?"
Jonathon Goforth said many years ago that we can entertain no hope of a worldwide revival without there first being a back to the Bible movement. Getting back to the Bible means getting into quiet time with the Lord. Quiet Time Ministries offers abundant Resources custom-designed for individuals and groups in ministry. And all of our books and studies have been used by me in our own local Women's Ministries. I've been able to see these resources in action firsthand in the lives of women.
But I want to do more! spoke that still small voice inside of me.
Sometime ago I was thinking, "What would happen if somehow women who love the Lord from ministries and churches throughout the world came together in one place?" Can you imagine the collective encouragement, growth, and move of the Spirit of God as thousands and thousands of women join together in one place to follow Christ, love God and His Word, and grow in the power of the Holy Spirit? I sense that God is stirring in a powerful way in the hearts of women everywhere. I see it. I sense it. And I'm excited about it. I just know God is on the move! This was the start of Catherine Martin Online Bible Studies hosted by Ministry For Women right here on Quiet Time Ministries website. A community with purpose – His purpose – not just social, but spiritual, bringing glory to God.
I look at Ministry For Women as the grand experiment. I have always felt that ministry is an experiment from our perspective. As we launch out and believe God and carry out the ideas we have, He molds and shapes those ideas into ministry. He gives varieties of gifts, varieties of ministries, and varieties of effects. May the Lord be glorified in all we do here. It will be exciting to see what He does among us. I'm praying Ephesians 3:20 for a mighty move of God's Spirit.
My passion is to see women in ministry worldwide grow in their time alone with the Lord. My prayer for you today is that you will realize the amazing and incredible opportunity you have to impact others in their relationship with the Lord.
Blessings ♡ Grace