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Teaching Devotion To God
And His Word

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I would not have you simply watch a travelogue about the Lord; I challenge you to experience the great adventure of knowing God for yourself. "O Taste and see that the Lord is good" (Psalm 34:8 NASB).

Catherine Martin

How does Quiet Time Ministries begin?

In 1993, I was preparing for my last year at Bethel Theological Seminary in San Diego, California. Soon I would have my Master of Arts in Theological Studies. One morning, as I sat in my family room spending time with the Lord, I began thinking of the frustration many friends had shared with me about their own quiet times. How to organize it? What books and resources to use? How to keep quiet time consistent, vibrant, and alive?

I prayed about the best way to teach and encourage others about quiet time with the Lord. And then, I thought about The Quiet Time Notebook, a study resource I had been developing for many years for my own quiet time. How to reach others with this resource? As I prayed, the Lord gave me the idea for a new ministry, one that would focus on the area of quiet time — teaching devotion to God and His Word. I decided to dedicate this new ministry to Jesus’ entreaty to quiet time in Mark 6:31 NASB, "Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while."

I was so excited, I called my husband and presented the vision to him. Well, we named the ministry on the spot, and Quiet Time Ministries was born. That, of course, was only the beginning. And then, I think of my good friend, Shirley Peters, praying for this new ministry at the very earliest stages. Even when Quiet Time Ministries was still a fledgling idea, she steadfastly prayed for its worldwide impact on the devotional lives of men and women. Little did I know how God would expand the scope and sphere of this ministry over the years.

Blessings ♡ Grace


Our Story

by Catherine Martin
Cordova Elementary First Publication

Published Age 7 Cordova Currents: Jesus's Birthday In a little town called Bethlehem a baby was to be born …

Bethel Theological Seminary

Summa cum laude, Faculty Award graduate of Bethel Theological Seminary, Master of Arts in Theological Studies.

Quiet Time Ministries, A Sole Proprietorship

Quiet Time Ministries founded as a personal spiritual and business venture.

The Quiet Time Notebook, First Edition

The Lord gave Catherine The PRAYER™ Quiet Time Plan in one of her quiet times, the structural outline for The Quiet Time Notebook.

Quiet Time Ministries, A California Corporation

Quiet Time Ministries becomes a California corporation, Religious, CA Code Section: 23701(d).

Quiet Time Ministries, Federal 501(c)(3) Determination

Quiet Time Ministries becomes a federal nonprofit religious organization, IRC 501(c)(3) Public Charity Status.

Johnny Mann Quiet Time

Grammy Award winner, Johnny Mann, records The Quiet Time Song dedicated to Catherine Martin and Quiet Time Ministries.

Harvest House Publishers

Six Secret To A Powerful Quiet Time published by Harvest House Publishers.

The Quiet Time Notebooks

The Quiet Time Notebook Tradebook Series published by Quiet Time Ministries Press.

myPhotoWalk Devotional Photography

myPhotoWalk – Quiet Time Moments published by Quiet Time Ministries Press.

Catherine Martin Online Bible Studies

Catherine Martin Online Bible Studies national launch on Zoom Video Communications by Quiet Time Ministries.

Quiet Time Ministries Logo

The Quiet Time Ministries Eternal Tree Logo alludes to the "His promise" portion of our Mission Statement — our commitment to teaching devotion to God and His Word.

Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and whose trust is the Lord, for he will be like a tree planted by the water, that extends its roots by a stream and will not fear when the heat comes; but its leaves will be green, and it will not be anxious in a year of drought nor cease to yield fruit. (Jeremiah 17:7-8 NASB)

Mission Statement

Furtherance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Quiet Time Ministries is established as a Christian teaching ministry for the furtherance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as revealed in The Holy Bible through dissemination of educational and inspirational materials to the general public, and including, but not limited to lectures, publications, or otherwise. The corporation is organized and operated exclusively for religious purposes within the meaning of Section 501(3)(c) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are tax deductible under Section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code. Quiet Time Ministries is a religious corporation under Section 23701d of the Revenue and Taxation Code of the State of California.

Teaching Devotion to God and His Word

Quiet Time Ministries is an interdenominational ministry committed to teaching devotion to God and His Word to men and women though out the world. This mission is carried out through devotional resources, conferences and retreats, and an online ministry. It is our desire to see men and women become “radical disciples, wholeheartedly devoted to Jesus Christ, and recklessly abandoned to the will of God.” It is our firm belief that commitment to Christ will grow in direct proportion to the development and consistent experience of quiet time alone with God in His Word and in prayer.

God's Invitation, God's Command, God's Promise

Our commitment to this mission is based on God’s invitation, “Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10 NIV, God's command, “Let not a wise man boast of his wisdom, and let not the mighty man boast of his might, let not a rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts, boast of this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord who exercises loving kindness, justice, and righteousness on earth; for I delight in these things, declares the Lord.” Jeremiah 9:23-24 NASB, and God's promise, “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and whose trust is the Lord, for he will be like a tree planted by the water, that extends its roots by a stream and will not fear when the heat comes; but its leaves will be green, and it will not be anxious in a year of drought nor cease to yield fruit” Jeremiah 17:7-8 NASB.

Do you know what you believe?

What is it that determines your beliefs and actions? When I was in seminary, one of the requirements was to write a Statement of Faith, stating what I believed in every doctrinal area of Theology. We were also required to choose an integrating motif, an overall theological principle of truth that links all the doctrines together. This Statement of Faith and Integrating Motif excerpt is my response to those assignments. Enjoy. But beyond that, I challenge you with the same assignment. Study God’s Word to discover His truth related to every doctrine. Then write out what you believe and why you believe it.

The Truth About Truth – in Day Eight of Knowing & Loving The Bible.

Blessings ♡ Grace


Knowing God – Statement of Faith Integrating Motif and Outline

Knowing God is the highest goal any human being may attain and is the great desire of the heart of God for his people. "This is what the Lord says: ‘Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom, or the strong man boast of his strength, or the rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth; for in these I delight,’ declares the Lord." Jeremiah 9:23-24.

What It Means to Know God

Knowing God may be defined as a personal, intimate relationship with the Creator of heaven and earth. It actually involves an experience of interaction and interchange with the One who brought about our very existence. This interchange includes a growth in understanding the nature and attributes of God and a vital, life-giving participation in His blessings.

Knowing God – The Integrating Motif in Theology

Knowing God is the integrating motif in all of theology. It moves Christianity from a mere religion to the reality of a relationship with the God of all Creation. Knowing God implies that God exists, that he may be known, that he desires to be known, and that he has revealed himself in such a way that human beings may relate to him. The existence of God is made evident in his creation (Psalm 19), through the word of God, and through his Son, Jesus Christ (Hebrews 1:3, John 1:18). That God may be known is evidenced by his relationship with Adam and Eve, and then through such saints as Abraham who was called the ‘friend of God,’ David who was a ‘man after God’s own heart,’ and Moses who spoke with God ‘face to face.’ God’s desire to be known is observed in his relationship with his chosen people, the nation of Israel. Throughout the prophets, God’s words are heard over and over again: “my people have forgotten me, days without number” (Jeremiah 2:32b). God’s longing to have his people know him is seen most clearly in the lengths to which he was willing to go to make this possible: He sent His only begotten son, Jesus Christ, to earth to die for man’s sin and restore the fellowship and relationship that was lost in the Garden of Eden.

The centrality of the theme, Knowing God, is seen in Jesus’ words to God, “Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent” (John 17:3). Paul said that he counted everything loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:8). The Holy Spirit indwells the people of God so that God might make his home in them and they might grow in their knowledge of him (John 14). In heaven, the ultimate fulfilment of God’s desire for his people to know him will occur because then they will ‘see his face’ and they will ‘be his people and he will be their God.’

Knowing God – Its Relationship to Life and Ministry

The greatest pursuit in life is to know God. The most important time a person can spend is time along with God cultivating an intimate relationship through prayer and reading and studying God’s Word. To know God, a person must first be established in that relationship by receiving Christ as Savior and Lord – a full surrender of the heart to God. Then they must learn how to seek God and how to spend time alone with him.

Ministry is two-fold. First, others must be led to Christ, that they might come to know the Triune God (John 14:6). Then, men and women must be discipled in how to effectively grow in their relationship with God. It is essential to learn how to study God’s Word for themselves with the goal of knowing God. My own life is to be an example of one who continually seeks to know God and relate to him. Knowing God – it is the greatest pursuit in life.

Outline Conclusion

“For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I shall know fully just as I also have been fully known.” I Corinthians 13:12.

Knowledge of God during our brief stay on earth is incomplete. We may only see the bare outlines of that which the Holy Spirit illumines in our hearts of the Person of God in Jesus Christ (I Corinthians). Perfect knowledge of God – the pure beauty and intimacy of an experiential sharing of communion with our Creator – will occur in heaven. Until then, we hope for what we do not see and with perseverance we eagerly wait for it (Romans 8:25).

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him!” I Corinthians 2:9.

Copyright © 1993 – Catherine Martin | Quiet Time Ministries | All Rights Reserved.

Realize the Bible’s reliability as truth, authority for your belief, and secure foundation for your life.

View → Knowing & Loving The Bible

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