What does Quiet Time Ministries mean to you? Listen to the testimony of Tamra Berbaum about Catherine Martin and Quiet Time Ministries!
Video Courtesy of Faith Bible Church, Temecula, CA
Catherine, Eight years ago you spoke at EVBC [East Valley Bible Church] in Gilbert AZ. I sat in the front row and was in awe of your Dance with the Lord. I was a divorced single mother of 2 with a newly justified heart who was hungry for the intimate love that Christ had to offer. Your journaling resources sparked what is now and has been a blazing fire of passion that has been burning deep within me. In 2005 (i think?) we met again at Scottsdale Bible Church as I sat front and center again in a workshop. It was so sweet know that everything you said was true after seeing God transform me and my life for 3 solid years of having QT [quiet time] with the Lord. Two years ago he moved us to California and has recently called me to teach the women at our Church how to "Draw Near" to God!
I prayed for you today, thanking God for the Passion & Ministry He used to draw me to himself! Please pray for me, that in one hour I would encourage the women of our church the way you encouraged me! My testimony is online [video] and I would like you to hear it. They had to cut out some due to lack of time (it's 5-7 min) but I think you will be encouraged!
I hope you will remember me when you ever find yourself wondering if what you are doing is making a difference for the kingdom! It is my friend … it certainly is, so keep it up!
In Christ, Tamra Berbaum, Galatians 2:20, from an Email to Catherine Martin
So what about you and Quiet Time Ministries? Is Quiet Time Ministries simply the QTM Snapshots Insider Update we send to you by email, or our QTM eNews monthly newsletter? Is it only a website to browse occasionally for your next book of quiet times? Is it a clever acrostic on "Trust" or "Hope" I've written that perhaps touched your heart at one time? Is it merely another Christian ministry in a sea of Christian ministries? Or do you see Quiet Time Ministries is a much broader light?
We pray that you see Quiet Time Ministries as an opportunity to have an eternal impact, creating a ripple effect that extends well beyond your own life.
I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all, in view of your participation in the gospel from the first day until now.
Philippians 1:3-5 NASB
Blessings ♡ Grace