In spite of it all, there is God … One day a woman with many difficulties poured out her heart to a wise and learned teacher of God's Word. She felt that her situation was so overwhelming and impossible and was certain this woman of God would be of help to her. She was dismayed at the response.
Hannah Whitall Smith shares this experience and the woman's response in her book, The God Of All Comfort …
She listened patiently enough, and did not interrupt me; but when I had finished my story, and had paused, expecting sympathy and consideration, she simply said, "Yes, all you say may be very true, but then, in spite of it all, there is God." I waited a few minutes for something more, but nothing came, and my friend and teacher had the air of having said all that was necessary."But," I continued, "surely you did not understand how very serious and perplexing my difficulties are." "Oh, yes, I did," replied my friend, "but then, as I tell you, there is God." And I could not induce her to make any other answer. It seemed to me most disappointing and unsatisfactory. I felt that my peculiar and really harrowing experiences could not be met by anything so simple as merely the statement, "Yes, but there is God." I knew God was there, of course, but I felt I needed something more than just God; and I came to the conclusion that my friend, for all her great reputation as a spiritual teacher, was at any rate not able to grapple with a peculiar case such as mine.
These words were shocking to Hannah Whitall Smith. What kind of answer was that?
I have often thought about this event in the life of Hannah Whitall Smith, especially when incomprehensible trials came my way that did not make sense at all to me. I have realized that in these times we need to choose a greater trust in God and also choose not to lean on our own understanding. We take God at His Word when He encourages us in Proverbs 3:5-6 to "trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; think about Him in all your ways, and He will guide you on the right paths."
Trust means "total reliance under stress and trial" (Trusting In The Names Of God — A 30-Day Journey). How can we grow a greater trust? Very simply — know God. Pursue Him at all times, every day, and in every circumstance of life. David discovered this secret to trust and shares it with us — "Those who know Your name trust in You because You have not abandoned those who seek You, Yahweh" (Psalm 9:10).
The most important thing we can do is cultivate an intimate, ongoing, vibrant, dynamic relationship with God. Know Him. Pursue knowing Him. The result will be a great, deep trust in God and a radical intimacy that no earthly circumstance can touch.
Hannah Whitall Smith discovered this in her life situation. The words of that godly woman caused her to think. And when we begin to think rightly as a result of drawing near to God, then look out. Your trust will grow deep and your life will be transformed. That's exactly what happened in the life of Hannah Whitall Smith. …
I became convinced that my friend really and truly believed that the mere fact of the existence of God, as the Creator and Redeemer of mankind, and of me as a member of the race, was an all-sufficient answer to every possible need of His creatures. And at last, because she said it so often and seemed so sure, I began dimly to wonder whether after all God might not be enough, even for my need, overwhelming and secular as I felt it to be. From wondering I came gradually to believing, that, being my Creator and Redeemer, He must be enough; and at last a conviction burst upon me that He really was enough, and my eyes were opened to the fact of the absolute and utter all-sufficiency of God. My troubles disappeared like magic, and I did nothing but wonder how I could ever have been such an idiot as to be troubled by them, when all the while there was God, the Almighty and all-seeing God, the God who had created me, and was therefore on my side, and eager to care for me and help me. I had found out that God was enough and my soul was at rest.
Hannah Whitall Smith, The God of All Comfort
Draw near to God today, dear friend. Pursue Him more than any other thing in life. And you will discover that He is enough for whatever you face today. You will discover that He has plans for you and that nothing can thwart His power and purpose in your life. No matter how great the trial, God is greater. Believe it. Receive it. Live it. God is all-sufficient and is at work even now whether you realize it or not. So make this the day you take a turn, draw nearer to Him, and trust Him like never before.
Dear Lord, Thank You that You are greater than anything I will face today. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Blessings ♡ Grace