Sometimes your soul just needs a good dose of untouched beauty from God, who is Elohim, the Creator.
I was sitting my family room at sunrise spending quiet time with the Lord. I happened to look out the patio windows, and shining brightly to the east was a crescent moon. Because the sun was just rising, the clouds were catching the light with beautiful layered hues, and the moon was prominent in the sky.
I grabbed my Sony A6000 mirrorless camera, ran outside, and just admired the beauty with my Lord who was the artist that morning. And I captured this image of a beautiful crescent moon.
We need to give in to the urge and take time for beautiful things created by our Lord.
The psalmist encourages us —
Worship the LORD with reverence and rejoice with trembling.
Psalm 2:11
When you take time for the beautiful out there in creation, you will be led to a deep and reverent worship of the Lord. And our eyes need to be trained to move from earth to heaven. Paul says, "Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth" (Colossians 3:2 NLT). Looking at God's beauty will help you do exactly that.
So today, dear friend, take time for beautiful. If you are up early, take a walk outside and look up at the sky and see what God paints there. Then, talk with your Lord and worship Him. Your intimate relationship with Him will grow stronger and deeper.
Listen to God's voice. Enjoy myPhotoWalk—A Day In The Life Of God — Trusting Our Creator In Turbulent Times.
Dear Lord, thank You for Your beauty in creation. I love watching You at work. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Blessings ♡ Grace