I will bless the Lord, Who has given me counsel; yes, my heart instructs me in the night seasons. I have set the Lord continually before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.
Psalm 16:7-8 AMP
The Lord has just the right answer for every situation. When you do not know what to do or which way to go, rely on the Lord's promise to be your Wonderful Counselor (Isaiah 9:6)…You may be wondering how the Lord can speak to you and give you wisdom in your difficult situation. The answer is to open the pages of the Bible, the Word of God. "The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple" (Psalm 19:7).
Catherine Martin in Walking With The God Who Cares — Finding Hope When You Need It Most
Blessings ♡ Grace