Let all that I am praise the LORD. O LORD my God, how great you are! You are robed with honor and majesty.
Psalm 104:1 NLT
The Hebrew word translated "great" is gadal and means to magnify and consider important and powerful. Here the psalmist is focusing on the omnipotence, the all-powerful nature of God. And in the psalmist's words, we learn something practical for our own conversation with God. We need to slow down to take time to praise God for who He is. Therefore, it is essential that we know who He is. He has revealed Himself through His names, His attributes, His works, and His words. You can discover His revelation generally in creation and specifically in the Word of God. Whenever you read a passage of Scripture, always look for truths God is revealing to you about Himself. The more you know, the more you can praise.
Catherine Martin in Passionate Prayer — A Quiet Time Experience
Blessings ♡ Grace