So I was driving on the freeway here in Palm Desert CA, and all of a sudden my low tire pressure light came on. Oh no! How could it be, especially with brand new tires? So I pulled off at the first exit to see if I picked up a nail or something. Well, it was more than a nail. It was some huge piece of metal gouged into my left rear tire, and the tire was absolutely flat. So I did what faithful women do in distress. I prayed to the Lord — and I called AAA for a rescue. AAA came and put on the spare and told me to be careful driving home.
So as I was driving home, always the myPhotoWalk adventurer, I noticed the beautiful light of the setting sun highlighting the snow–covered Santa Rosa mountains, picking up a very special glow of blue and yellow. So there I was limping along on 3 good tires and a pitiful spare. But I couldn't help myself. I found one of my favorite viewpoints on the way home and I got out and captured some images of this beauty with my Sony A6000 Mirrorless camera. Sometimes you just have to stop for the beautiful! It comes from my life verse — One thing I have asked from the Lord, that I shall seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord and to meditate in His temple (Psalm 27:4).
It was the beauty of the Lord that I saw all around me in His creation that night. And I just had to stop for the beautiful and worship the Lord!
And through it all, I experienced the peace that comes from the Lord. Oh, His peace is so wonderful! The peace of the Lord blesses us especially during traumatic times. Jesus promises —
Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.
John 14:27
Oh, yes, His peace is a gift and it chases away troubles and fear!
So once I saw post–processed this image on my computer, I knew I wanted to create a myPhotoWalk Photo Artistry image, highlighting with the word, "Peace," to remember my experience with the Lord out there in His beauty — with a flat tire. I processed this image in Adobe Camera Raw then I added a Topaz Adjust filter to bring out the dynamic range and full color contained in the raw photo. Then, I added a Vignette from ON1 Software to bring out the beauty of the snow on the mountains. Finally, I added large Helvetica Neue text of "Peace" and a phrase from John 14:27.
So dear friend, no matter what you go through in life, always remember the Lord's promise of His peace. He never leaves you or forsakes you. And He will comfort your heart with His peace in the most difficult places.
Lord, today we thank You for Your peace which passes all understanding. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Blessings ♡ Grace