What will help you make it through a difficult trial in your life? An eternal perspective grounded in truth from God's Word. I have found a great verse in the Bible that offers a powerful truth and great encouragement for tough times.
The verse is in the Psalms. I love the Psalms, especially when walking through the valleys in life.
In Psalm 66, the psalmist sees the end from the beginning and discovers encouragement through the middle of troubles in his life. Listen and meditate on these words from our friend, the psalmist. I love what he says, especially today —
We went through fire and through water, yet You brought us out into a place of abundance.
Psalm 66:12
Dr. John Bright, Old Testament professor and authority on biblical history, observes that the Hebrew verb for went can be used in connection with God's purpose, and has the force of coming to pass or coming true. What this helps us understand is that we may go "through fire and through water" in the course of our life, but we are just passing through and will experience God's purpose and arrive at a new place. In fact, the psalmist tells us that God Himself will bring us out into "a place of abundance." The Hebrew for place of abundance implies refreshing and great satisfaction.
As Elisabeth Elliot used to say, "Suffering is not for nothing." Knowing that God is working out a great purpose for His glory when I go through the fiery trial encourages me. And knowing that God brings me through in order to bring me out into a place of abundance offers such hope.
When I'm in a trial, a time of refreshing and great satisfaction is so appealing. Oh how we long for just such a place and experience in the hard times. The encouragement here is knowing that our suffering is temporary and carries great purpose thanks to our sovereign God. I like the NET translation of Psalm 66:12 —
We passed through fire and water, but You brought us out into a wide open place.
Psalm 66:12 NET
We are just passing through in this life on our way to our eternal home with our Lord. Never forget it. And I'm allowing that truth to bring me courage, strength, and hope when I face the impossibles in difficult days.
I love spending time out in the desert capturing images of its beauty with my Nikon D810 or my mirrorless Sony A6000. Looking through the lens I see beauty in what many see as barren and lifeless. And so it is in life. As we are passing through the heat of a trial or the floodwaters of impossible situations, our heart can become like a desert. Where is the beauty? I believe it can be found in the Lord. He promises that when we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us (James 4:8) and that times of refreshing come from the presence of the Lord (Acts 3:19). The desert helps me remember the Lord first, not last, every day of my life.
The psalmists concludes his words with the joy of answered prayer. He writes, "Certainly God has heard; He has given heed to the voice of my prayer. Blessed be God, Who has not turned away my prayer nor His lovingkindness from me" (Psalm 66:19-20).
And that leads to the one thing we can do as we are passing through fire and water. Pray. Cry out to God. Draw near to Him and pour out your heart. He hears, He answers, and He delivers. He will never fail you or forsake you. In Deuteronomy 31:8 we have that promise. "The LORD is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed" (Deuteronomy 31:8).
Mrs. Charles Cowman shares a powerful quote about the importance of prayer by the prince of preachers, Charles Spurgeon —
Never let us despair. God's time for mercy will come; yea, it has come, if our time for believing has arrived. Ask in faith, nothing wavering; but never cease from petitioning because the King delays to reply. Strike the steel again. Make the sparks fly and have your tinder ready; you will get a light before long.
Charles Spurgeon by Mrs. Charles Cowman in Streams in the Desert
Keep praying and trusting. Theodore L. Cuyler, a Presbyterian pastor in the 1800's, has said, "I do not believe that there is such a thing in the history of God's kingdom as a right prayer offered in a right spirit that is forever left unanswered."
Oh yes, the Lord is at work in your life. You can count on Him. And always remember, dear friend, you are passing through the fire and water with purpose and God Himself will bring you out into a place of abundance.
Dear Lord, today we choose to believe you even when we are out on a limb with our faith.. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Blessings ♡ Grace