More than ever, in days of uncertainty, we need a hope that is steadfast and sure. I have been focusing so much on the promises of God these days, because they are the secret to hope. So I began to think about an image that would represent the fact that God promises, God keeps His promises, and His eternal hope grows in us. In my mind I pictured a beautiful flower rising up in bloom.
I brought home a floral arrangement with the thought that I would work on my macro photography using the incredible Micro-Nikkor 200mm lens that I love so much. I put the flowers in a vase, set up my tripod, Nikon D810, and the Micro-Nikkor 200mm lens. I captured many images, all at different angles. I have found that using a tripod is essential in macro photography, especially with the 200mm lens, because when you are that close, any movement will cause blur throughout the image. Also, I like stopping down the lens to f/14 and sometimes more to give clarity throughout the flower.
When I looked through the images, this one stood out as just what I was looking for to represent the fact that God promises, and as we patiently wait, we will obtain the promise. To capture this image, I placed the focus point at the center and beyond, giving a slight blur to the petals at the front of the flower. I liked this effect, moving the eye to the center of the flower.
After processing the image in Adobe Camera Raw, I applied a 10% Topaz Glow filter to highlight the edges of this beautiful flower. Then, I took the image into Nik Color Efex for the brilliance/warmth and pro contrast filters. Now came what is most fun — Topaz Impression. I finally settled on Georgia O'Keefe but masked in the flower to preserve the original textures. The greatest challenge in this photo was the background because I didn't want it to detract from the flower. So I used the Dodge and Burn tool in Photoshop and painted in the lighter areas. I also used the brush and eyedropper tool to paint in some of the lightest areas. Then, I took the image into On1 Software and added a texture and vignette at a small opacity just to give it that added focus on the flower. Finally, I added the words "He Promises" and my favorite verse these days about Abraham in Hebrews 6:15.
So, dear friend, when you need a reminder about God's promises, be encouraged with this image, and the fact that patient waiting leads to the fruition of your hope in God's promises.
Lord, thank You for the hope You give us in Your promises. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Blessings ♡ Grace