Do you have a great need in your life today? Perhaps it is so deep and difficult that there is no earthly answer?
Well, the best news you can hear is the word from the Lord found in 2 Corinthians 12:9 from Jesus Himself. "My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness." Oh I love those words so much. In fact, they have become so important to me in recent days I wanted to create a myPhotoWalk Photo Artistry image to help me remember.
So I selected this image of a rose, one of my very favorites, captured with my new Fujinon XT-2 mirrorless camera. I so love the delicate petals that seem to go on forever and ever. It reminds me of God's grace that is always sufficient for every need.
I processed this image using a beautiful piece of software that is new for me, Alien Skin Exposure X3. I use it in place of Adobe Camera Raw when processing my Fuji images because its superb handling the raw files, especially bringing out the colors and dynamic range captured by the camera.
Then, I added the Helvetica Neue text from 2 Corinthians 12:9. I want to remember always that God's grace is all I need. With His grace comes the answer for every earthly difficulty and trial.
So dear friend, today, you can know, with great joy, that God's grace is all you need.
Lord, we ask today that You will pour out your extravagant grace in our hearts today. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Blessings ♡ Grace