Sometimes you just need to step away from all that is weighing on your heart and gaze on a bit of beauty in God's creation. Getting out into nature, whether it's a park, the mountains, or a nearby wildlife preserve, helps me slow down and notice the beauty of the Lord. I am reminded of His sovereignty, His majesty, and His power.
That's how it is sometimes in our walk with the Lord. We are brought into difficulties where we have done our best, but we still don't have the solution, answers, or provision.
You can trust God, dear friend. He will be true to His word and He is absolutely reliable.
Times of refreshing come from the presence of the Lord…
Acts 3:19
I especially love watching ducks in lake habitats. I take my Nikon D810 DSLR on a monopod with my longest 80.0-400.0mm telephoto lens, and focus in on all the varieties of birds surrounding the lake. Just watching these beauties makes me smile. They are so interesting and even hilarious at times.
In Psalm 46:10 we are encouraged by the Lord to "Be still and know that I am God." Walking with God outside with my camera is one of the ways I like to do exactly that. I can sit for an hour or more in one location focused on a beautiful landscape or wildlife like ducks in a pond, talk with God, and worship Him in awe of His design. We know that "all things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being" (John 1:3). So when we look at His creation, we are drinking in some of His beauty, and experiencing the touch of His hand. And in the process, we are learning that He is the Master Designer.
As we spend more time gazing at His beauty, and responding to His invitation to know that He is God, we come to an important conclusion. If He can create such amazing beauty, then He can weave the same kind of intricate design into our lives, even when everything is difficult and seemingly impossible.
Dear friend, I encourage you today to find a local park, wildlife refuge, garden, or zoo, and go sit for awhile with the Lord. Take a small Bible, your journal, and a camera. You will be amazed at how your heart and soul will be refreshed and renewed for "times of refreshing come from the presence of the Lord" (Acts 3:19).
Dear Lord, today we take time to gaze at Your beauty and pray that you will renew and refresh us. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Blessings ♡ Grace