I love walking with God in the desert with my camera and Bible in hand. It is as though I am in another world. And when I look through the viewfinder of my camera, I am reminded that I belong to God, and that I am a citizen of the kingdom of heaven. And someday I shall be face to face with Him. Then I shall truly be home.
As I was looking at some of my recent myPhotoWalk desert images, I decided to create a photo artistry piece that would convey this idea of home. And I knew that the last part of 1 Thessalonians 4:17 would be the perfect verse for this particular image.
After I processed the image in Adobe Camera Raw, I brought it into Adobe Photoshop. One of my favorite filters is Nik Color Efex. I applied Pro Contrast and Brilliance Warmth to bring out the detail and color in the image. Then, I applied a customized Beautiful Clouds RadLab Filter. Finally, I took the image into Topaz Impression and created a painterly look with the Cezanne filter. I added the Helvetica Neue text to finalize this image.
May you always be reminded that this world is not your eternal home. The Lord Himself is your home and you are a pilgrim on a pilgrimage of the heart. Someday, when we step from time into eternity, we will be face to face with the Lord forever.
Lord, thank You for giving us the hope of heaven and living forever with you in our eternal home. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Blessings ♡ Grace