It's time to push the photographic envelope. I love my photographic landscapes, macros, and wildlife. But I want to push my work to another level creating compositions truly fit for a fine art canvas. This opens my photographic images up to a wide imaginative world without boundaries to express whatever the Lord brings to my mind, heart, and soul.
I saw this feather floating in the water and I couldn't help but capture the image. I was actually trying to capture images of a group of ducks in the pond. But my eye kept returning to this lone feather on the surface of the water. It just kept floating along completely untouched by all the movement and distraction around it.
Then I decided to create a piece of art — myPhotoWalk Artistry. As a photographer I am always trying to improve my skills. Create and inspire. New directions with greater sophistication. I want to escape into the world of digital photographic art. Great artistry and wonderful creativity. Digital imagination.
Confidence. I've been thinking a lot about Hebrews 10:35, "So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded."
First, I processed the image in Adobe Camera Raw. I added a DXO film filter called "Glamour" and some sharpening with Topaz Adjust. Then I took the image into On1 Perfect Effects and added several layers of texture including paisley, rice paper, and clouds all at different opacities. I painted the texture in using a layer mask. I added the words of Hebrews 10:35 about the rich reward we receive for our confidence. Oh I need to remember that again and again to fuel my confidence.
Voila! A finished piece of art to remind me how important it is for me to hang on to confidence in Christ.
I love Oswald Chambers' words on confidence —
Humility of Patience — The heart of patience is a blazing love that sees intuitively and awaits God's time in perfect confidence — What matters is that we walk with Him as we wait. What matters is that we retain the certainty of the childlike attitude that God knows what He is about.
Oswald Chambers
So dear friend, may this myPhotoWalk Artistry encourage us all to be confident today no matter how much adversity we face or how desperate our circumstances may be. Our confidence will be richly rewarded by God Himself. He promises.
Lord, we ask You for confidence today and we thank you for how you richly reward a great confidence in You. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Blessings ♡ Grace