We have had years here in the desert when there was an abundance of wildflowers, especially the purple and white flowers cascading across the desert floor. When I look at those wildflowers all across the desert, I think about our hearts for the Lord. Imagine a heart filled with such beauty and abundance like these colorful wildflowers!
Here's the question, especially as we approach Thanksgiving and Christmas. Do we have hearts for thanksgiving? Are we focusing on the blessings from the Lord, or are we focused on our difficulties and distresses? It's a tough question, especially when we have experienced loss or troubles. I know this from my own experience.
Paul encourages us in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 to "Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus."
There is something about having a heart for thanksgiving "in all circumstances" that turns the tide in your soul and helps you with an eternal perspective and a victorious faith that believes God for power and provision. The Word of God, especially the Psalms, will help you pray and thank God for all He has given you, even things like mercy, love, and grace.
I love how one writer has described thanksgiving —
Thanksgiving is the fruit of a deliberate resolve to think about God, ourselves, and our privileges and responsibilities. By giving thanks we make manifest the fact that our lives are not controlled by the imperious concerns of this life. We give testimony to the fact that material things do not dictate the horizons of our soul.
Prairie Overcomer Magazine
I love those words today, especially when difficult circumstances seemingly threaten our sense of well–being.
How is it that we can remember that God is sovereign and in control, and His abundant blessings are pouring into our lives even now?
I believe thanking God for the small and big things every day helps us notice blessings we never saw before. What I am saying is this: if you can't think of anything good in your life, then resolve to thank God for five blessings every day. All of a sudden, you are going to be thanking God for the provision He has given you that day even if your income is not what you had hoped. My mother had the habit of writing out five things each day for which she was thankful. I will tell you she had the greatest faith of anyone I have known in this life, and I am thankful for her example in my life. We grew up with very little in terms of material things, and yet my memories of our childhood are filled with joy and laughter. I trace it all to a mother who was thankful for many blessings from God.
So today, dear friend, in this month when we celebrate Thanksgiving, let us cultivate a heart for thanksgiving, and thank God for the blessings He has given us.
Lord, today we thank You in all things, and we are especially thankful for Your love and grace and mercy. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Blessings ♡ Grace